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Enhancing Resilience of Non-Bank Financial Institutions


The global landscape of non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs) is impressively diverse, with a myriad of entities offering an array of specialized financial services. These institutions contribute significantly to the rich interconnectedness of the banking system and the wider economy. Australia’s NBFI sector predominantly includes prudentially regulated superannuation funds, which exhibit specific features rendering them remarkably resilient to risks. Regulators have been particularly proactive and successful in assessing and managing potential vulnerabilities, with a focus on monitoring trends and enhancing oversight and regulation. Recent events involving NBFIs under market stress have been turned into learning opportunities, prompting policymakers to implement continuous improvements that bolster resilience and mitigate systemic risks.

Non bank institution
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In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic saw investors seeking the stability of cash, leading to declines in the prices of riskier assets and widespread selling. Despite these challenging times, the majority of investment funds adeptly navigated the crisis without significant disruptions. A subset of funds, particularly those with high leverage and liquidity mismatches, demonstrated an impressive resilience to market instability. The robustness of these funds served as an important lesson and reminder for the entire industry.

The incident involving Archegos in March 2021 was a valuable demonstration of the critical importance of managing leverage and risk effectively. It shed light on the necessity for transparency and reinforced the need for tighter oversight of leverage accumulation and enhanced risk management practices within the financial sector.

In 2022, a rise in gas prices and geopolitical tensions led to liquidity stress in commodities markets. This situation was successfully managed, with authorities stepping in to provide much-needed liquidity support to energy companies. These events underscored the importance of continued vigilance and proactive measures to address systemic risks.

Likewise, when the UK gilt market experienced stress in September 2022, the Bank of England swiftly intervened by purchasing government bonds, helping stabilize the market. This incident served as a valuable lesson in risk management, underscoring the need to enhance the resilience of liability-driven investment (LDI) pension funds.

Overall, these recent market stress events and the subsequent policy responses have provided invaluable insights and opportunities for positive changes. Policymakers, regulators, and market participants continue to work collaboratively to reinforce the robustness of the financial system and enhance its capacity to withstand potential challenges. Through their proactive efforts in addressing vulnerabilities, enhancing risk management practices, and fostering transparency, NBFIs are playing a pivotal role in strengthening the global financial landscape, paving the way for sustainable and prosperous economic development.


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